Thursday, 9 September 2010

Tiger - On The Rose 7"

This is the first of a Tiger double-bill, ladies and gentlemen, mainly because I dug up a couple of their 7"s together. This one is the first Tiger song I remember hearing, and it made me think of the Ramones, which is no bad thing. You may see what I mean. Anyway, it's a good tune, from a band which I always found a little variable, although I never got properly into them, so might have to give them another try.

The b-side sounds like... Well. A b-side, to be fair. However, it's got a kind of Beatles-y vibe to it, and a lot of kick drum. It's a grower in fact - I didn't think much of it when I first heard it back in the day, nor when I listened the first time a little while back, but on third or fourth listen it's starting to get me.

'Race' is coming your way soon. Now that is a tune...

1. On The Rose
2. On Spanish Farmland


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