Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Badly Drawn Boy - EP3

Another treat. This time it's an old, old Badly Drawn Boy EP, off 7". I remember being told about this guy back in the day (the late 90s) and how his live shows were pretty weird, and I should look out for these EPs. There were three of them in all, but being a little slow at these things I only got hold of this one. I'm sure if you look hard enough the other two are around...

You know what? It's really good. I've kind of gone off him as he gets more Radio 2-friendly, but I still listen every now and then. However, this EP is great. Track 2 is a 'proper' song, after track 1's experimental-ness, and then tracks 3 and 4 are proper songs over a load of noise. You can't say fairer than that. The guy has an ear for a tune, and I hope you enjoy this. It came out about a year and a half before the first LP.

1. Spooky Driver
2. I Need A Sign
3. Meet On The Horizon
4. Road Movie

Right here, right now.

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