Saturday, 18 January 2025

Super Furry Animals - Hermann Loves Pauline CDS


Hello everyone.

No posts at all in 2024, busy year. Mostly also forgot, but influenced by a busy year. Anyway, I hope you are all well, and having a happy 2025 so far.

Here is some more music, from a find in a local charity shop the other day. One of my favourite SFA tunes, and a couple of really great b-sides. They obviously really rated Calimero as they played it on some sessions around this period, but the other one is good too.

Classic early SFA period production throughout, sounds like they've recorded the entire band on a single track and then gone nuts with a synth over the top of everything. Very thin.

Should also say that the a-side skips near the end, CD wasn't in great condition, but the b-sides (which is why you're here, right?) are fine. Enjoy.

1. Hermann Loves Pauline
2. Calimero
3. Trons Mr Urdd

Right here!

Thursday, 12 October 2023

Eggman - Not Bad Enough


Here's the dude from the Boo Radleys on his own, and it's good. The singer, Sice, not the guitarist. Without looking it up I don't know any more, presumably it's off an LP back in the day, but not one I'm aware of.

Anyway, this is a good tune, and the b-side is also enjoyable, so I recommend giving it a spin.

1. Not Bad Enough
2. Identikit

Wednesday, 21 June 2023

Dead links

Say, if you want anything re-uploaded please ask. Just seen that people have been looking at old stuff which doesn't have a link any more, so happy to oblige.

The Mission / Throwing Muses / Pixies / Dinosaur Jr - The Sounds Machine EP1

In case a picture disc wasn't crappy sound-quality enough, here's some proper surface noise. No recollection of when I bought this, but it clearly wasn't loved by the previous owner.

The Mission track is epic, about 10 minutes long, all recorded at the now-dead Astoria in London in May 1988. So that's over 35 years ago... Throwing Muses and Pixies same year, but at the Town & Country in London (also now dead, also thanks to the Elizabeth Line), and Dinosaur Jr clearly asked to provide a song which would fit on an already-full 7". The weirdest drum sound on the Dinosaur Jr one I've heard in ages.

Hope you like them!

1. The Misson - Shelter From The Storm '88
2. Throwing Muses - Mania
3. Pixies - Hey
4. Dinosaur Jr - Throw Down

They're all right here.


Tuesday, 30 May 2023

Tricky - Christiansands 7"


Hello everyone, if anyone is still out there. Sorry it's been so long since my last post, just over a year by the looks, but, well... I've been busy.

Anyway, here is something to hopefully make up for it a little. A picture disc, which I normally wouldn't post as they sound so awful, but apparently not too bad on my new turntable - I'll leave it to you to decide.

A-side from Pre-Millennium Tension, my favourite of his LPs by a distance. B-side seems to be a slightly random re-work of bits of Black Steel? Good stuff, anyway, and I hope you like it.

1. Christiansands
2. Flynn

It's right here.

Wednesday, 4 May 2022

His Name Is Alive - Can't Always Be Loved 7"

I think this must have been a Peel thing, I vaguely remember hearing it on the radio and then going out to buy it the next day. Got the album this is off, too, and it's really great. Hope you like it.

Has a great thing on side A, which is that the single goes straight into the 4-track demo of the same song without any gap. Nice touch, as is having a version of my other favourite of their tunes as the B-side, pleasingly ramshackle, and they clearly didn't know how to end it. The album/single version of this one is worth seeking out too.

Please excuse any pops and crackles, I dropped this down the back of the sofa at one point.

1. Can't Always Be Loved (radio)
2. Can't Wait Forever (4-track)
3. Wish I Had A Wishing Ring (first one)

It's right here for you.

Friday, 15 April 2022

The Posies - Definite Door 7"

Hi. I had a couple of other things to put up, but then listened to this 7" for the first time in ages, and it is just brilliant, so thought I would demonstrate good sharing this month.

Great single, and three excellent covers, the middle one of which I'd never heard before, but very familiar with the other two. Hope you enjoy it!

Also I hope you appreciate that wherever and whenever I bought this, I paid 10p.

1. Definite Door
2. Song Of A Baker
3. Ooh Child
4. I Am The Cosmos

Here you go.

Sunday, 6 February 2022

The Pastels - Worlds Of Possibility 12"



You may have noticed that I haven't posted in nearly a year. No excuse, really, but my resolution this year is to go for one a month. Which I've already missed. But should manage better than one a year like 2021...

This is a great record. The single itself is awesome, and it has a special weird bit on the end which I don't even know what it is; it looks like a separate track on the vinyl, but it's not listed. Anyway, all good. Good b-sides too, track 3 is a cover of a song which I'm sure those of you with a better musical education will immediately recognise.

Hope you enjoy them, and see you again soon.

1. Worlds Of Possibility
2. Photogram
3. Love It's Getting Better
4. Ever Far

It's getting better here.

Sorry, the picture is a CD case nicked off the internet, but it is off a proper 12".

Saturday, 27 February 2021

Movietone - Mono Valley 7"

This is possibly another repost... But looks like if I posted it before it was at 160kbps, and like I said, I have a new turntable.

More of the Bristol thing, and the Planet thing. Movietone this time, pretty chilled stuff, but remember I mentioned the saxophone on the Crescent b-side? Well, it's back. If you liked it then, you'll love it now. If you found it unaccountably irritating then you will have to put up with it again. I remember, even at the time, thinking that the sax on some of Movietone's stuff was very annoying. But it's not all the way through.

I'm assuming the saxophone player from Movietone isn't going to read this.

1. Mono Valley
2. Under The 3000 Foot Red Ceiling

Free jazz here.

Saturday, 12 December 2020

Spacemen 3 - Hypnotized 12"

I see Jason Pierce started with the American spelling early on, before Spiritualized, based on this title. Really good tune, though! You can hear loads of what was to come on here, just sounds like early Spiritualized, even got some brass going on in there. You can also, I think, hear why he was the one who made it bigger post-Spacemen, although Pete Kember (Sonic Boom) did a lot of production work on stuff I like.

B-sides are OK, way more minimal than Hypnotized. The first is better than the second, which is I guess why it makes the cover. Some slightly painful rhyming-dictionary work to enjoy on track three, too.

1. Hypnotized
2. Just To See You Smile (Honey Pt. 2)
3. The World Is Dying

Dying/crying/sighing/flying here.