Sunday, 23 February 2020

Catatonia - Gyda Gwen very limited single-sided 7"

So, there I was, looking through my LPs, and realised I hadn't listened to Way Beyond Blue in ages. So I did, and had forgotten how much I liked it. Also, I had forgotten that my copy has a very limited 7" with it, with this track on one side, and nowt on the other.

It's all in Welsh, and it's really good. I'm sure it's available in other places, but I was excited to find it, so here it is. The "e" of Gwen has an accent on it, but I don't know where this is on the keyboard.

1. Gyda Gwen

Cerys before 6music is here.

Thursday, 6 February 2020

Beatnik Filmstars - Lap Dog Kiss 7" EP

More from the alternative alternative alternative Bristol crowd of the mid-90s. This one also comes highly recommended, and not only because it came out on coloured vinyl of a frankly lovely colour, although this might explain its slightly crackly sound.

This EP starts tuneful, then gets noisier and less tuneful, and then takes a turn from there. And then another turn. But in a good way. You'll see.

Somewhere I think I have one of their singles wrapped in wallpaper, and if I can find it I will give it a spin and it might end up here.

1. Charlie Batman
2. Ill Book No. 3
3. Totally Lost Control Completely
4. 8 Sq. Ft. Six

I'm Batman.